
My husband, Jared, and I moved to St. Andrew’s, Scotland in 2013 for him to pursue a post graduate studies from the University of St. Andrews. I created this blog to keep friends and family updated on our travels and our life in St. Andrews.

Jared and I were married July 6, 2013 in Santa Cruz, CA. Our dream has always been to someday plant a church in a city that is lost and searching for a Saviour. When we arrived in St Andrews, we had every intention of returning to the San Francisco Bay Area, and thought our time in St Andrews would prepare us well for ministry in that context. Little did we realise that this time would be preparing us to stay exactly where we are, and minster alongside Cornerstone St Andrews Church. After finishing his PhD, Jared will begin the role of Lead Pastor at Cornerstone.

I graduated in May 2013 from Biola University’s nursing school. I have wanted to be a nurse for as long as I can remember, and I know God has created me to take care of hurting people. While I am unable to currently use my nursing license in the UK, I love my work as a healthcare assistant within the NHS! I am excited to see where God uses my skills and desires in the years to come.

Thanks for taking the time to read our blog, we’d love to hear or read your stories as well!

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